My Story
Kara-Aretha Graham, PhD, CPsychol, FHEA, PCGert
BPS Chartered Sport & Exercise Psychologist
My story isn't like anyone else's, but that can be said about anyone.
My first love is track and field, I love the speed the technical aspect, I love it all. I left the United Kingdom to pursue my goal of running Division I Track and Field. My five years as a NCAA student athlete were the most emotional and challenging years of my life. In those 5 years my coach passed away of cancer, 6 months later I was also diagnosed with cancer. A year later, I returned to university to find a new coaching staff. Not long after, my scholarship was unexpectedly cut. I graduated with my Bachelors. I moved on to do pursue a Masters Degree where I had the opportunity to work with a coach who recruited me out of high school.
During my masters I coached alongside an incredible coach and grew a new appreciation for the life of a coach. It isn't a job, it's a lifestyle. An exhausting, draining, rewarding, emotional lifestyle, that is not for the faint of heart. Being an athlete was challenging, but I only had to worry about me. Being a coach is worrying about EVERYTHING and EVERYONE all the time.
Returning from cancer, getting back to fitness and finally returning to track meant I had to condition my mind. My body bounced back fairly quickly but my mind took years to be return to a competition ready state. That was the biggest hurdle. As a coach, I also saw the emotional toll it takes on a person to be everyones 'go to person'. These two things lead me to helping athletes and coaches to optimize their performance and improve their wellbeing.